
Aberdeen to Oshkosh 2024 in a Bristell

Aberdeen to Oshkosh 2024 in a Bristell

Bill, a Scottish experimental aviation enthusiast and fellow Bristell owner, made the solo transatlantic trip from his home in Aberdeen, Scotland, to Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, USA, for the...

Aberdeen to Oshkosh 2024 in a Bristell

Bill, a Scottish experimental aviation enthusiast and fellow Bristell owner, made the solo transatlantic trip from his home in Aberdeen, Scotland, to Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, USA, for the...

EAA to share more about MOSAIC at Oshkosh 2024

EAA to share more about MOSAIC at Oshkosh 2024

As part of the 2024 Oshkosh program, EAA will be ramping up its MOSAIC engagement across the various AirVenture venues where the convention will be taking place.

EAA to share more about MOSAIC at Oshkosh 2024

As part of the 2024 Oshkosh program, EAA will be ramping up its MOSAIC engagement across the various AirVenture venues where the convention will be taking place.